Saturday, October 9, 2010


Just wanted to share this video below that the grade 9 class wanted to enter into a contest my volunteer organization was having. The contest was to celebrate United Planet Day, which was on the fall equinox when the sun shines on every place on earth for the same amount of time. Because of the deadline we didn't have a whole lot of time to put it together, but still thought some might be interested to see it. The students had so much fun learning the song. Enjoy!


  1. October 9th - John Lennon's 70th! Very appropriate.

  2. Sandi & Clover10/11/10, 7:07 AM

    Hi Sarah,
    Clover & I watched and enjoyed your video. (She's sitting on my lap co-authoring this note.) Your students sparkle. Please congratulate them from me on their video. The photos are great & you all look like you're having such a fun time.
    And BTW, Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!
    S & C

  3. Cute - looks like you had fun with this Sarah.

  4. Bravo and Brava!

  5. SD--- Wow all the parts of the song they knew best so did I -- really music has no language barrier... love it and they are so lucky to have you!!! Love Samm
